Sunday, 23 March 2008

The Conscience of a Nation?

This posts' subject is the deportation of the deceased Ama Sumani. I hope to approach this not from the subjective ethical grounds of compassion but to look at the less emotive issue of the law. I do not wish to insult any one but to have an open debate over this issue.

For Background Information:

Alun Michaels MP stated "Isn't the debate really about the quality of treatment and medical services available in her own country?" I suspect that this could be part of the debate yet I disagree that it is the debate.

The First Minister Rhodri Morgan AM Compared the case of Ms Sumani to that of 19 year old midfielder for Watford, Al Bangura from Sierra Leon. His visa had expired but was given a further extension to apply for a work permit.

Mr Morgan Said: "It does make you think if it's okay for the footballer to have this treatment, shouldn't that apply t this person in need of dialysis, from Ghana?"

Glenys Kinnock MEP went further and questioned the Home Office why Ms Sumani's case could not qualify for the Border and Immigration Agency's "exceptional circumstances" provision, furthermore Mrs Kinnock said that "life and death" cases should be treated with "humanity and compassion"

Mr Morgan makes a valid point, we should treat all cases with equality, but the cases in this instance were not equal in subject matter.

What I've deduced from this quite tragic situation is thus. We all live under the same single Law, we are all subject to this law and as such must abide by this Law. I know that this is a very cold and callus way to approach the subject, but it is the only non-emotive way. To make exceptions to the law is quite frankly a drip-drip effect in to anarchy. The law rarely sees the grey of humanity and compassion, it rests upon the Black and White of rules and regulations. So for future reference if certain members of our political elite wish for a situation like this to occur again then must act as visionaries and change the law and not act as reactionaries and try to effect the law in a piecemeal way.


Normal Mouth said...


I like the blog and have added it to my blogroll (and not just in reciprocation, but thanks anyway).

Anonymous said...

The different treatments between the Watford player and the Ghanaian woman highlights that the law is not black and white - there are loopholes that could have been used to allow this woman to die with dignity here (or even prolong her life through treatment).